Tuesday, September 26, 2006

A Poem in Tribute to My Mother and Grandmother

A Name for Herself

The page is yellow and faded now
But the smiling faces are still clear
It is a moment captured in time
A Fleischmann’s Yeast ad -- featuring my grandmother with her young daughter
Singing praises for the 11 blue ribbons she won at the fair
It was an opportunity for this country woman to make a name for herself
But those city men called her “Mrs. George McInturf” and my mother “Peggy Jane”
(Even though their names were Dorothy Estella and Peggy Jan)
Those who read the ads never knew
Just two nameless faces promoting a product
Just two nameless women baking biscuits in the hills

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I REALLY like this!! (a suggestion: "Dorothy Estella Geddis McInturf and Peggy Jan McInturf")