Monday, July 10, 2006

Buttered Beets

Beets may be one of those vegetables you see at tailgate markets or the grocery store and want to buy... but have no idea what to do with them once you get them home!

Last week when I was on vacation visiting family, my dad dug some beets from his garden for me to take home. I peeled them, sliced them and cooked them in a steamer basket for about 10-15 minutes, or until fork tender. I tossed them with a bit of soy margarine and a pinch of finely ground sea salt. Yum! The sweet, earthy flavor brought back memories from my childhood when we ate beets several times a week throughout the summer.

While low in calories, beets are high in folate, magnesium and potassium. Want to learn more about these unsung heros of the vegetable world? Click on and cook up some tasty beets today!

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